Vision Makers

A Halloween Themed Event

This month we are going to have a ghoulishly good time! What could be more fun than Halloween costumes? What if we added some colored smoke to kick it up a notch! Yep, for this special event, the price of admission includes colored smoke grenades! Keep in mind this event is not about producing a ton of images. In the end, it is about creating a handful of unique, and special images utilizing colored smoke. Not too many people have shots like this in their portfolio. Are you ready to add these creative shots to yours? Curious about how all this will work? – Then read on…


First, choose your time 

We will have two sessions. Each session will be limited to a maximum of four models. Purchase your ticket for either:

Session 1with a check-in time of 9 am. If you are in the first group you will need to be ready to go, including hair, makeup, and costume by 10 am. We will start shooting right at 10 am by giving the group instructions on how to handle the smoke grenade(s) and how to move for maximum benefit. If you are late, you will miss the instructions; So don’t be late!

Session 2 – with a check-in time of 11 am. We will start shooting the second group right at 11:30 am. Again, we will start out by giving instructions on how to handle the smoke grenade(s) and how to move for maximum benefit. Again, don’t be late or your images may suffer if you miss the instructions at the beginning.

Then choose a two or three smoke grenade photoshoot

You may also choose to purchase a two smoke grenade photoshoot or a three grenade photoshoot. We will pre-order smoke grenades for everyone who registers for this event. We will take care of ordering the correct quantities, pay for shipping, and safely bringing them to the event; Everything will be ready to go for you during your session. You may choose from either: 



When it is time for your session, we will review everything with you

Before you even step in front of the camera, we will go over with you exactly what to expect. We will explain how the smoke may move. The best way to use the colored smoke to your advantage. Where you should stand, how you should move etc. Once you are comfortable and say you are ready, we will ‘pull the cord’ on the grenade and the shoot begins.

Red Grenade
You will first begin with the Red Grenade. This grenade will emit smoke for approximately 25 seconds. This first one is so you can get accustomed to the smoke, how it will act, what to expect, how to move etc. Once it is finished, we will review the images and let you know what worked, and what did not work. – Everyone will adjust accordingly, and we will move on to the next color; orange.

Orange Granade
The Orange Granade will produce smoke for approximately 90 seconds. This is a much longer period of time. During this time you will have the opportunity to move, and make as many poses as you can in front of the camera.

Purple Grenade
If you have purchased a three grenade package, you will then get the opportunity to shoot a third time with a Purple Smoke Grenade. The purple one is also rated at approximately 90 seconds.

How will you get the ‘Money Shot’?

We will have 3 or possibly 4 photographers all shooting you all at the same time. We will capture images from several different angles, several different focal lengths, styles, and different lighting and techniques. Each photographer may take as many as 30-40 images during those 90 seconds. This will maximize the chances to get as many great shots for your portfolio. This will all happen very quickly. – This is why we will go over with you what you need to do before the smoke even starts. And why we will have multiple photographers all shooting; to maximize the potential for that great, ‘Money Shot’ that everyone desires.



9 am – CHECK-IN #ONE  – Those signed up for the first session will need to check-in at 9 am. 
10 am – SESSION 1 – We will begin shooting all models signed up for the first session. 
11 am – CHECK-IN #TWO – Those signed up for the second session will need to check-in at 11 am. 
11:30 am – SESSION 2 – We will begin shooting all models signed up for the second session.
1 pm – IT’S A WRAP! 



DO I HAVE TO WEAR A HALLOWEEN COSTUME? – No, You may wear whatever you like! We encourage you to use your imagination! Wear your all-time favorite Halloween costume or any other outfit you want. Other ideas may include, wearing an evening gown holding a glass or bottle of champagne. Or maybe come as a witch; don’t forget your broom! Maybe you want to come dressed as a fairy. Or here is a great idea;  Bring your own pumpkin and we can put your smoke grenade in it! – Use your imagination! Be creative! Experiment! Break out of your shell and do something you have never done for your portfolio! This is the time to do something you always wanted!

HOW LONG WILL MY PHOTOSHOOT BE? – Regardless if you choose the TWO or THREE Smoke Granade option, you will have approximately 15 min to finish shooting with all of your smoke grenades. You will have at least three photographers all working with you to produce the best possible outcome. 

HOW MANY OUTFIT CHANGES CAN I HAVE? – Due to the logistics of this shoot, you will not have time during your 15min of time to change. However, if you wish to take off or add a jacket or shrug, or switch out a prop, that is totally acceptable. However, you will not have time to leave the shooting area once we start shooting you.

IS THERE A GUARANTEE A NUMBER OF IMAGES? – The short answer is no. This event is not about producing a ton of images. It is about creating a handful of images featuring the creativity of using colored smoke. 

CAN I PURCHASE MORE THAN ONE TICKET? – YES! If you truly want an outfit change, or just the opportunity to work with more smoke, we recommend you purchase one ticket for Session 1 and a second ticket for Session 2. Please contact us if you decide to do this. We will work with you so your one of the first people we shoot in Session 1, and one of the last in Session 2. That will give you more time for outfit changes, make-up, etc.

CAN I PURCHASE ADDITIONAL SMOKE GRENADES? – At this time we are not planning to offer anything past the Three Granade option. But there is a SMALL possibility we may have extras available on the day of the shoot. It will all depend on how many people show up to the event. – PLEASE DO NOT PLAN FOR EXTRAS TO BE AVAILABLE.

IF ADDITIONAL GRENADES ARE AVAILABLE, HOW DO I BUY ONE? – We will not know until the day of the event if there are any extras for sale. If we do, we will offer them up in the order that tickets were purchased. This will be CASH ONLY.



Due to COVID-19 and logistical issues of this shoot, photographer admission is by invite only. If you would like to be considered, please email us.


Even though many areas are starting to open back up, we want to keep social distancing in place as much as possible. We chose this outdoor venue so it would be much easier for everyone to keep their distance rather than a closed studio. We believe everyone has a right to their own level of protection. As such there are a few rules for this event:

FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES – Unless you are in front of the camera and being actively photographed (no exceptions!)
• We will keep social distancing in place at a level you and the photographer agree on BEFOREHAND.
• Models will need to do your own hair & makeup.
• NO SHARING of makeup, tools, equipment clothes, drinks, food, etc. (bring what you need, don’t share)
• We will limit the number of participants to maximize social distancing.
• Models & photographers only. No guests allowed. Paid attendees only.
• We suggest you bring your own chairs, tables, etc. for you to use (remember, this in an open, woodsy area.)
• Plan ahead – bring what you need for the event. Don’t assume someone else will be providing it for you.
• Both the model and the photographer must be wearing a facemask when viewing images from the back of a camera
• Besides being required to sign a model release, there will be a COVID waiver for you to sign.
• Please understand that Social Distancing rules are fluid, and as such, rules may change. We will post the most up to date guidelines and rules as they become available.

Anybody found to be non-compliant to the above, will not be allowed to attend any future Vision Maker Events.



PLEASE UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING – The final outcome of your images are dependent on many factors. Colored smoke can be very difficult to work with. Wind and humidity will drastically change how the smoke behaves (for better or worse). Variables include; how fast you move, how you pose if you blink, which way the wind changes; It all happens in 90 seconds! Each photographer may capture LOTS of great shots, or maybe just a handful of good images. As such, for this shoot, we can not guarantee the number of images you will receive. If you want to maximize your chances for great shots, we highly recommend purchasing the THREE Smoke Grenade ticket. (or even 1 ticket for session #1 and another for session #2)

Vision Makers can not be held responsible for any changes due to weather conditions. In the event we cancel the event due to adverse conditions, we will reschedule to an alternate date, or monies paid will be refunded; This will be at our discretion.

When we order the smoke grenades if a color is out of stock we reserve the right substitute a different color. We have no control over the manufacture’s stock on hand. 

Notwithstanding, we will do everything we can to ensure, in the end, you get some wonderful, one of a kind shots. But the reality is it will come down to weather and luck. If you understand all this, and you are okay with it, we invite you to purchase a ticket and we promise to work with you to make your Colored Smoke Grenade Session is the best it possibly can be.

Purchase Tickets

Please make sure to select your correct ticket type. If you are a model, then select MODEL Admission. If you are a photographer, then select PHOTOGRAPHER Admission. If you select the wrong type or session, you will not be refunded. If the type of ticket you want is sold out, we strongly suggest adding yourself to the waiting list. We sometimes can open up more tickets and will send out invites in the order they came in. 

Due to COVID-19 and logistical issues of this shoot, photographer admission is by invite only. If you would like to be considered, please email us.

NOTE: any promotions or codes must be entered at the time of purchase. No refunds will be given after the fact. If you are having issues with a promotional code, please contact us first before checking out.



More about the location

vision makers aerial view

Have more questions?

If you have a question you need to be answered before purchasing a ticket, then please contact us and we will be happy to help you. email us at –

Models, & Photographers, want to attend our next event?

If you want to keep informed on our upcoming photoshoots, join our private FB group to get advanced notice of our future events before it is advertised to the public. 

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